Do You Live on Tug or New Colony? Let Scott Reach You.

From Road Agent Scott Sanborn:

The permanent road and embankment repairs stemming from last summers flooding (hard to believe it's almost been a year!) will soon be getting underway. For the most part, roads will remain passable, if one lane at times. However, on New Colony Road and Tug Mountain Roads there are more likely to be delays and/or short periods of complete closure. We will, of course, do everything possible to minimize these, and to avoid them during commuting hours.

In the interest of keeping everybody on these roads "in the loop", I would like to set up an email address list for each. I ask that all residents on Tug or New Colony, or other parties that use those roads on a regular basis kindly send me an email at with your name(s), and which of those two roads you wish to be on the list for (or both). We will do our best to let you know ahead of time via email when delays may be expected. We will also post information here on

Thank you for your anticipated understanding.