The New Hampshire primary falls on Tuesday, September 8, followed by the general election on Tuesday, November 3.
If you haven’t yet registered to vote in New Hampshire, you can do it with the Town Clerk between August 6 and September 2. (Check the calendar for Town Clerk hours.) Don’t want to register in person? You can ask Michelle to send you a form.
To vote remotely, download this form and drop it off or mail it to the Town Clerk. The state legislature just eased up on the rules for voting absentee; concern about the coronavirus is now a valid excuse. After you turn in your request, you’ll get your ballot in the mail. Then follow these instructions carefully.
If you plan to vote in person, we’ll update you on the Orange voting procedures through this site. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, Trish Weekes took this photo of a luna moth requesting an absentee ballot at the Town House.
Photo by Trish Weekes, Orange, New Hampshire