Planning on Attending Friday's Meetings? Here's What You Need.

On Friday, April 24, the Budget Committee and Select Board will vote on a warrant article that enables financing for repairing roads damaged last July. The Budget Committee meeting starts at 6:00pm. Then the Select Board meets at 6:30. Both meetings will be conducted remotely, by Zoom. People who wish to attend should not come to the Town House.

If you don’t have access to a computer or smartphone, you can still attend. Dial in to one of these numbers: (929) 436-2866, (253) 215-8782, or (301) 715-8592. You’ll be prompted to enter the ID for the Budget Committee meeting: 950 2212 8039. For the Select Board meeting, the ID is 950 8978 9843. Note that when the Budget Committee meeting ends, you’ll need to dial in a second time and put in the Select Board ID to attend that meeting. No need to say anything when you join; we’ll see your number pop up. During discussion time, if you wish to speak, state your name and ask to speak. (Those joining by computer can “raise their hand” virtually).

If you’re planning on using an Internet-connected computer or smartphone, simply click on one of the links below. A few tips and requests:

See this short video to learn how to join a meeting without trouble.

  • Before the meeting, test your microphone. Click on one of the links below. Make sure your mic works (the video shows how). Then either stay on, or click “Leave” and rejoin when the meeting begins.

  • When prompted for your name, please put in your full name. That way the note takers can take attendance and know who’s talking.

  • If you don’t have fast broadband, leave your video off to avoid bad audio or disconnection. Those with a dial-up connection might consider calling in with a telephone.

  • On the lower left corner of your screen, you’ll see a Mute button. Please put yourself on mute until you wish to speak. No need to announce yourself; we’ll know you’re there!

  • Near the Mute button, you’ll see a Participants button. Click on that to see who’s attending. (If you’re using a smartphone, you may have to swipe between screens.) A window should appear on the right of your monitor, where you should see a Raise Hand button. This is a great way to get the chair’s attention. Once you’re called upon, please click the button again to lower your hand. (Budget Committee and Select Board members should speak without having to raise their hand.)

  • If you’re having problems during the meeting, feel free to use the Chat button and chat with the Host (that’s me, Jay). For problems again of the meeting, you can email me or text me at 727-6070.

Budget Committee, 6:00pm April 24

Select Board, 6:30pm April 24