Road Update from Scott

Update from Road Agnet Scott Sanborn:

Repair work on ditches and shoulders along the bus route has been completed on  Tuttle Hill Rd and work is now underway on Cross Road. While the equipment is in that neck of the woods, we will be smoothing up a couple spots on Williams Road, then the crews will be moving up to Tug Mountain and New Colony Roads, probably later this week.

After my most recent discussions with Richard Remacle, we feel it is very unlikely that we'll be able to get much into the permanent repairs this fall (which is no surprise), so our focus over the next 2-3 weeks will be to improve on the temporary repairs over the badly damaged sections of Tug & New Colony, widening to a full two lanes with a little shoulder where needed for safety, replacing the more critical culverts that were damaged, and beefing up and grading the surface so it will handle winter. This will all still qualify as "initial response" work under the FEMA guidelines, so the costs will not count toward the permanent repair costs. 

Updates on the FEMA process: I took part in the "exploratory call" with the FEMA "program delivery coordinator" (along with Sandi, Paul Hatch and one or two others from FEMA/HSEM) last Monday, and the Recovery Scope Meeting, where we will begin to hammer out the details of the repair "projects" is scheduled for next Monday (9am at the Town House).