Cardigan Mt. Road Paving Is Just About Complete

The DOT’s Dennis Ford wrote Dorothy:

Contracted paving is complete.
We have a little to spread with a grader in a few weeks, mainly in Canaan.
Thursday and Friday we will be adding gravel shoulders and driveway aprons. We also will layout centerline for striping by our Traffic Bureau before winter. I do not know if they will reapply the white fog line on the edge of pavement, last I heard they were only applying this to numbered state highways. At 22 cents a foot I believe it’s a budgetary thing.
This should complete our work this week.
Thanks to you and the great people of the Town of Orange for the hospitality over the past two and half months.
If you or Scott need anything in your endeavors of rebuilding your town roads you know how to get hold of me.

Dennis Ford
Maintenance Supervisor
District Two