More on Large Trash

Colin Higbie asked whether old electronics can be disposed on the large trash days this Saturday and Sunday. Selectboard Secretary Cathrine Souza confirmed that that transfer station will take them. But “you’ll need to ask about the fees depending on the item,” she says. Most big items (TVs, computers, monitors) bear a charge of $15.

If you have any questions, you can call Station Manager J.R. Defosse at 603-523-7952. And check out the transfer station page on the Canaan town website, here.

2023 Orange Harvest Festival

2023 Orange Harvest Festival

Sunday, October 8th, 2023

10am to 3pm

54 Tuttle Hill Road, Orange NH

In the barn!

Directions: From Canaan Rt 4: take 118 North for .5 mile, turn right on Cardigan Mountain Rd and go 1.7 miles, turn right on Tuttle Hill Rd and then cross the bridge - big red barn on the right.

Contact: Dewey -

Town of Orange Household Large Trash – Bulky Waste Disposal

Town of Orange

Household Large Trash – Bulky Waste Disposal

Saturday, September 9, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Sunday, September 10, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.




Bring your refuse to the highway storage area on

Cardigan Mountain Road (directly across from Tug Mountain Road).


Someone will be present to assist you.

Do not plan on disposing items before 8 a.m. or after 2 p.m. on either day.


To save the town on disposal fees, please bring metal waste to the Canaan Transfer Station. They have a disposal area reserved for metal at no charge.



Construction debris                           

Clean wood, painted, plywood

Mattress, box springs






                                   ITEMS TAKEN WITH EXTRA CHARGE

Refrigerators / Freezers / Air Conditioners / De-humidifiers $45.00

Televisions/Computer monitors $30.00    Tires $30.00 (large truck/tractor $50.00)


Aerosol Cans



Car Batteries

Cell Phones




Fire Extinguishers

Flammable Liquids

Creosote timbers/poles

Brush, trees, yard waste


Propane Tanks


Medical Waste

Propane Tanks

Fluorescent Bulbs

Household Liquids/Chemicals

MSW (kitchen trash/food waste/rotten trash)

Public Hearing Notice: Application for a subdivision on Tuttle Hill Road



Notice of Submission of Application and Public Hearing

Orange Planning Board

Orange, NH, New Hampshire



Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4 notice is hereby given that an application for subdivision will be submitted at a regular meeting of the Orange Planning Board on:


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

 beginning at 7:00PM

at the Orange Town House

8 Town House Road, Orange, NH



Name of Owners/Applicants:          Daniel & Donna Hazelton


Type of Application:     Minor Subdivision

Description:                  Two Lots, 2.43 acres (Lot 1) and 7.61 acres (Lot 2)

Location of Property:    342 Tuttle Hill Road

                                    Tax Map 1,  Lot 45


Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Orange Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public hearing on the merits of the application will follow immediately. Please be advised that your right to testify is restricted to the public hearing portion of the meeting and that the Board has the discretion of placing certain limitations on testimony to maintain orderly and timely conduct of business, If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may submit comments to the Board in writing.


Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Board’s agenda until such time as it is approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved.

Town of Orange: Status on road grading

May 25, 2023

From  Marcello Shelzi, Road Agent

Many residents have been inquiring about road grading. Road grading of Orange's dirt roads is currently scheduled through our contractor to begin at the end of May. The town does not have its own grader or other heavy equipment so your understanding throughout this year's particularly bad mud season has been much appreciated. Thank you for your questions and concerns.

The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment Publich Hearing

The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment
Public Hearing
Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Orange Town House on 8 Town House Road.

Variance requested for 627 Tuttle Hill Road, Orange NH (Map 4, Lot 20)
Peter and Lisa Shank have submitted an application to the ZBA for a variance to
the setback requirement (Article 2, minimum distance from a roadway) for the
construction of a garage.

The building design and application for the variance is available for public review
at the Office of the Select Board. Questions and/or comments about the hearing or
application can be directed to ZBA Chair Rob Kuhn at 523-9824 or the secretary,
Sandi Pierson, at 523-7936.

Sandi Pierson
Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment

The Town Directory, in paper and online

Orange’s new Selectboard secretary, Catherine Souza, has been mailing out copies of the newly revised Informational Directory. You can find a printable version here on this site, as well as a searchable version on the directory page.

And don’t forget: you can easily use Orangenh.US to register your car, renew your dog license, and download building permits, intent to cut, absentee ballot, and the like. Just go to the Forms page.

Finally, if you know someone who might like to receive email updates from this site, send me their email address and I’ll get in touch.


Notice of Acceptance of Application and Public Hearing

Notice of Acceptance of Application and Public Hearing

Orange Planning Board

Orange, NH, New Hampshire



Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4 notice is hereby given that an application for subdivision has been submitted and will be heard at a regular meeting of the Orange Planning Board on:


Tuesday,  April 25, 2023

 beginning at 7:00PM

at the Orange Town House

8 Town House Road, Orange, NH



Name of Applicants:     ADW Builders, Inc.

Owner of Record:         ADW Builders, Inc.


Type of Application:     Major Subdivision

Description:                  8 residential lots on 44.28 acres

Location of Property:    US Route 4/Pike Road

                                    Tax Map 1,  Lot 42A    


Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Orange Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public hearing on the merits of the application will follow immediately. Please be advised that your right to testify is restricted to the public hearing portion of the meeting and that the Board has the discretion of placing certain limitations on testimony to maintain orderly and timely conduct of business, If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may submit comments to the Board in writing.


Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Board’s agenda until such time as it is approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved.

The Select Board needs a secretary

Sandi (wait—how on earth do we replace Sandi?) reports that the office is open two to three days a week, average five years each day. Hours and days of operation are negotiable, though. In addition to office hours, the Secretary attends the Select Board meetings twice a month.

For a full job description, email the Select Board office here.

Have you seen this dog?

Scott Lurgio reports that the family dog, 15-year-old Cale—a shepherd-lab mix—took off between New Colony and Peaslee roads yesterday (Sunday) around 4:30pm. Scott says he was chasing a bull moose.

Cale is “slightly hard of hearing,” Scott says. “He is friendly and will come for food.”

Call Scott and Andrea at 603-660-0075, or 603-523-4040.

Notice Time change for Supervisor of the Checklist Meeting

Note Time Change Due to the Snow Storm

The Supervisors of the Checklist

Will be in session to register new voters on

Saturday March 4, 2023

4 PM - 4:30 PM

At the Town House

This is the last date/time to accept voter registration applications.

No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist

after this session until election day.

Supervisors of the Checklist Meeting

The Supervisors of the Checklist

Will be in session to register new voters on

Saturday March 4, 2023

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

At the Town House

This is the last date/time to accept voter registration applications.

No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist

after this session until election day.

March 2023 Town Election Offices

Orange, New Hampshire Town Meeting 2023

WARRANT ARTICLE 1: (by official ballot) To elect the following town officers for the following terms:

1 Selectperson (3-year term),
1 Tax Collector (1-year term),
1 Deeding agent (1-year term),
1 Town Clerk (1-year term),
1 Treasurer (1-year term),
1 Road Agent (1-year term),
1 Trustee of Trust Funds (3-year term),
1 Cemetery Trustee (3-year term),
1 Budget Committee Member (3-year term),
2 Planning board members (3-year term),

...and any other officers as required by law.


Anyone who wishes to run for any of the above offices must submit a Declaration of Candidacy with the Town Clerk by Friday, 2/3/23 at 5:00 pm. 

Supervisors of the Checklist Meeting

The Supervisors of the Checklist 

Will be in session on 

Tuesday January 24, 2023

7:00 - 7:30 PM

Orange Town House

For Corrections of the Checklist

Change in party registration may be accepted.  

Supervisors of the Checklist Meeting

The Supervisors of the Checklist

will be in session on at the Orange Town House

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

7:00 - 7:30 PM

To make corrections to the checklist.

No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist

after this session, until election day.


If you are unable to make it in person to vote in the General Election on November 8th, you can request an absentee ballot by submitting an absentee ballot request form to the town clerk office.

Absentee ballot request forms may be filled out and submitted in-person during office hours, or by mail to Orange Town Clerk, PO Box 37, Canaan NH, or scanned and submitted electronically to

As soon as your request form is received and processed, your ballot will be sent to you by mail.
