The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment Publich Hearing

The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment
Public Hearing
Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Orange Town House on 8 Town House Road.

Variance requested for 627 Tuttle Hill Road, Orange NH (Map 4, Lot 20)
Peter and Lisa Shank have submitted an application to the ZBA for a variance to
the setback requirement (Article 2, minimum distance from a roadway) for the
construction of a garage.

The building design and application for the variance is available for public review
at the Office of the Select Board. Questions and/or comments about the hearing or
application can be directed to ZBA Chair Rob Kuhn at 523-9824 or the secretary,
Sandi Pierson, at 523-7936.

Sandi Pierson
Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment