Please note that due to the 4th of July holiday being the first Tuesday of July, the Select Board meeting will be delayed by one day. The meeting will be on WEDNESDAY JULY 5 at 6pm.
Please plan accordingly.
Please note that due to the 4th of July holiday being the first Tuesday of July, the Select Board meeting will be delayed by one day. The meeting will be on WEDNESDAY JULY 5 at 6pm.
Please plan accordingly.
Notice of Submission of Application and Public Hearing
Orange Planning Board
Orange, NH, New Hampshire
Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4 notice is hereby given that an application for subdivision will be submitted at a regular meeting of the Orange Planning Board on:
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
beginning at 7:00PM
at the Orange Town House
8 Town House Road, Orange, NH
Name of Owners/Applicants: Daniel & Donna Hazelton
Type of Application: Minor Subdivision
Description: Two Lots, 2.43 acres (Lot 1) and 7.61 acres (Lot 2)
Location of Property: 342 Tuttle Hill Road
Tax Map 1, Lot 45
Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Orange Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public hearing on the merits of the application will follow immediately. Please be advised that your right to testify is restricted to the public hearing portion of the meeting and that the Board has the discretion of placing certain limitations on testimony to maintain orderly and timely conduct of business, If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may submit comments to the Board in writing.
Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Board’s agenda until such time as it is approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved.
May 25, 2023
From Marcello Shelzi, Road Agent
Many residents have been inquiring about road grading. Road grading of Orange's dirt roads is currently scheduled through our contractor to begin at the end of May. The town does not have its own grader or other heavy equipment so your understanding throughout this year's particularly bad mud season has been much appreciated. Thank you for your questions and concerns.
The Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment
Public Hearing
Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Orange Town House on 8 Town House Road.
Variance requested for 627 Tuttle Hill Road, Orange NH (Map 4, Lot 20)
Peter and Lisa Shank have submitted an application to the ZBA for a variance to
the setback requirement (Article 2, minimum distance from a roadway) for the
construction of a garage.
The building design and application for the variance is available for public review
at the Office of the Select Board. Questions and/or comments about the hearing or
application can be directed to ZBA Chair Rob Kuhn at 523-9824 or the secretary,
Sandi Pierson, at 523-7936.
Sandi Pierson
Orange Zoning Board of Adjustment
Orange’s new Selectboard secretary, Catherine Souza, has been mailing out copies of the newly revised Informational Directory. You can find a printable version here on this site, as well as a searchable version on the directory page.
And don’t forget: you can easily use Orangenh.US to register your car, renew your dog license, and download building permits, intent to cut, absentee ballot, and the like. Just go to the Forms page.
Finally, if you know someone who might like to receive email updates from this site, send me their email address and I’ll get in touch.
Notice of Acceptance of Application and Public Hearing
Orange Planning Board
Orange, NH, New Hampshire
Pursuant to NH RSA 676:4 notice is hereby given that an application for subdivision has been submitted and will be heard at a regular meeting of the Orange Planning Board on:
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
beginning at 7:00PM
at the Orange Town House
8 Town House Road, Orange, NH
Name of Applicants: ADW Builders, Inc.
Owner of Record: ADW Builders, Inc.
Type of Application: Major Subdivision
Description: 8 residential lots on 44.28 acres
Location of Property: US Route 4/Pike Road
Tax Map 1, Lot 42A
Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Orange Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete and a public hearing on the merits of the application will follow immediately. Please be advised that your right to testify is restricted to the public hearing portion of the meeting and that the Board has the discretion of placing certain limitations on testimony to maintain orderly and timely conduct of business, If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may submit comments to the Board in writing.
Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Board’s agenda until such time as it is approved, conditionally approved, or disapproved.
This year’s town meeting was held at the townhouse on March 15th, 2023. You can read the meeting minutes here.
Sandi (wait—how on earth do we replace Sandi?) reports that the office is open two to three days a week, average five years each day. Hours and days of operation are negotiable, though. In addition to office hours, the Secretary attends the Select Board meetings twice a month.
For a full job description, email the Select Board office here.
Scott Lurgio reports that the family dog, 15-year-old Cale—a shepherd-lab mix—took off between New Colony and Peaslee roads yesterday (Sunday) around 4:30pm. Scott says he was chasing a bull moose.
Cale is “slightly hard of hearing,” Scott says. “He is friendly and will come for food.”
Call Scott and Andrea at 603-660-0075, or 603-523-4040.
Note Time Change Due to the Snow Storm
The Supervisors of the Checklist
Will be in session to register new voters on
Saturday March 4, 2023
4 PM - 4:30 PM
At the Town House
This is the last date/time to accept voter registration applications.
No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist
after this session until election day.
The Supervisors of the Checklist
Will be in session to register new voters on
Saturday March 4, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
At the Town House
This is the last date/time to accept voter registration applications.
No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist
after this session until election day.
Orange, New Hampshire Town Meeting 2023
WARRANT ARTICLE 1: (by official ballot) To elect the following town officers for the following terms:
1 Selectperson (3-year term),
1 Tax Collector (1-year term),
1 Deeding agent (1-year term),
1 Town Clerk (1-year term),
1 Treasurer (1-year term),
1 Road Agent (1-year term),
1 Trustee of Trust Funds (3-year term),
1 Cemetery Trustee (3-year term),
1 Budget Committee Member (3-year term),
2 Planning board members (3-year term),
...and any other officers as required by law.
Anyone who wishes to run for any of the above offices must submit a Declaration of Candidacy with the Town Clerk by Friday, 2/3/23 at 5:00 pm.
The Supervisors of the Checklist
Will be in session on
Tuesday January 24, 2023
7:00 - 7:30 PM
Orange Town House
For Corrections of the Checklist
Change in party registration may be accepted.
The Supervisors of the Checklist
will be in session on at the Orange Town House
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
7:00 - 7:30 PM
To make corrections to the checklist.
No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist
after this session, until election day.
If you are unable to make it in person to vote in the General Election on November 8th, you can request an absentee ballot by submitting an absentee ballot request form to the town clerk office.
Absentee ballot request forms may be filled out and submitted in-person during office hours, or by mail to Orange Town Clerk, PO Box 37, Canaan NH, or scanned and submitted electronically to
As soon as your request form is received and processed, your ballot will be sent to you by mail.
The Supervisors of the Checklist
will be in session
Tuesday September 6, 2022
5:30 - 6:00 PM
Orange Town House
To accept Voter Registration
No additions or corrections shall
be made to the checklist after this
session, until election day.
If you are unable to make it in person to vote at the Townhouse on September 13, 11:00 am-7:00 pm, you can request an absentee ballot by submitting an absentee ballot request form to the town clerk office.
Absentee ballot request forms may be filled out and submitted in-person during office hours, or by mail to Orange Town Clerk, PO Box 37, Canaan NH, or scanned and submitted electronically to
As soon as your request form is received and processed, your ballot will be sent to you by mail.
You may also submit an early request for an absentee ballot for the November 8th General Election, though ballots for the general election will not become available until after the primary.
More information on absentee ballots —>
The foundation does great work in our area. They’ve asked us to post this update:
Friends Feeding Friends Schedule Summer Schedule Starting in June:
We will be CLOSED the week of May 30th
Enfield Pantry: We will reopen in at Huse Memorial Park on Tuesday, June 7th. Note the schedule below.
Summer Pantry Days and Hours will be Tuesdays from 3pm to 5:30pm at Huse Memorial Park and Wednesdays from 3pm-5:30pm at the FOM headquarters behind Canaan Hardware Store, 9 On The Common Way.
Our pantries are open to anyone in need of a 3-day supply of groceries that lives in one of the 5 Mascoma Valley Towns: Canaan, Dorchester, Grafton, Enfield, and Orange. Our public pantries are open to all residents in need. If your budget (or someone you know) is tight because of rising fuel costs or other expenses shopping with us can make a big difference. We have a great mixed selection of fresh produce, pantry staples, dairy, and bread items each week. We also have personal care items available.
NH Gives! June 7th-8th
We are pleased to report that we have once again signed up to participate in NH Gives! This year’s event will kick off at 5pm on June 7th.
NH Gives – an initiative of the NH Center for Nonprofits - is a powerful, statewide 24-hour online fundraising event that is designed to build community, connect donors to local nonprofits and generate excitement about the nonprofit sector.
This year, our friends at the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits have added a new giving incentive: a bonus pool!
What's a Bonus Pool you ask?
A bonus pool is a proportionate match that is determined by the overall amount that you raise online. We believe that this will result in a more equitable distribution of funds. Site-wide matching dollars will be distributed as a bonus pool this year.
How does the Bonus Pool work?
Every organization that raises $300 or more between 5pm June 7 and 5pm June 8 will receive a proportionate amount of the bonus pool. FOM's portion of the bonus pool depends on a few things.
Final total of the bonus pool.
Final total of online donations by organization raising $300 or more
The amount that your organization raises online
The formula for the bonus pool is: (FOM’s Amount Raised online / Total Amount Raised online by all organizations raising $300 or more) x Total Amount in Bonus Pool = FOM's Share of Bonus Pool.
What does this mean for you, our loyal friends, and donors?
It means that every donation really counts this year. EVERY. SINGLE. DONATION. COUNTS. The higher FOM’s total online donations, the higher percentage of the bonus pool FOM will receive.
How you can help NOW: We are hard at work trying to secure internal matches, fundraising champions, and we’ve initiated a friendly rivalry amongst MVRHS alumni classes to raise money. If you are interested in providing a match, becoming a fundraising champion, or helping your class compete please email us at
Mascoma Matters Project:
At our April meeting we discussed having an event for families with young children this summer. We heard from the NH Children’s Trust and brainstormed ways we could bring more resources and programming for families to the Mascoma Valley. We are looking for those who can help our community with issues around isolation.
Our next meeting will be on June 16th from 12-1 PM.
Mascoma Matters Coalition Meeting (online) – Come and learn about opportunities to help your community thrive. Existing and new partners welcome. This meeting will focus on priority areas including supporting families with young children. If you have questions or would like more information please contact Sue Cagle at
Date: Thursday, June 16th, 2022
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Zoom Link:
If you know of or are associated with an organization or town department that would like to present during our meetings, please let us know.
More information on our past meetings is available on the Padlet.
If you have any questions about our project or future and past meetings, please don't hesitate to reach out to Alyssa Lemmermann at
~A Note from Eula~
Dear Mascoma Community,
As many of you may know by now, I have made the decision to leave my role as Executive Director of the Friends of Mascoma Foundation. This was not an easy decision, and I will greatly miss the FOM team and this community.
At every job, my goal is to leave an organization in a better place than before my arrival. The last three years have not been without challenges, but I firmly believe I, along with our Board and volunteers, achieved this goal. We weathered the pandemic, unprecedented shutdowns, and other changes to our local and global community. We expanded our donor base, strengthened existing partnerships and forged new relationships.
Not only did we survive these unusual times, but our organization thrived during this time. Friends of Mascoma has grown over the last three years and is poised for continued success in the years ahead. This organization has a lot of heart and I know that FOM, with its team of volunteers, staff, Board members, and loyal donors will, continue to do good work and achieve great things.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as FOM’s Executive Director these last three years. It has been an honor and privilege to play a small part in this wonderful organization’s story.
All my best,
Eula Lee Kozma
Thank you,
Friends of Mascoma, Board of Directors
Bridget Labrie
The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session Tuesday, May 31, 2022, from 7 to 7:30pm, at the Orange Town House.
For additions and corrections to the checklist.
This is the last day for voters already registered to change or declare a party and vote on primary election day.
Cemetery Trustees of Orange are hosting a NH Old Graveyard Association workshop on how to straighten, clean and repair stones.
Location: French Cemetery, Cardigan Mountain Rd (south side of the road and west of the Town House)
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022
Time: 1:00 pm
Bring spade, work gloves, outdoor wear, water/snacks for yourself
For more information, contact Anita Garland: (603) 523-7141
All are welcome!