No Town Clerk Hours on Wednesday

There will be no Town Clerk hours this Wednesday, June 5. The Town Clerk  hours for the rest of June will be Wednesdays, June 12, 19, and 26 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. 

As always, you can see Town dates on the Calendar.

Help Orange Stay Orange

Scott Sanborn, who besides serving as our Road Agent also chairs the Planning Board, reports that the board is looking to appoint a new member. Contact him at 523-7240 or if you want more information on the duties and obligations. You’ll want to let him know your willingness before the board meets on Tuesday, June 17.

The appointee serves until the next general election in March.

Clerking Resumes

Sandi reports:

Sophie Seace will have the town clerk's office open every Wednesday during May from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. That's May 8, 15, 22, 29. Thank you, Sophie!!!

Clean-up day for the Town House grounds is this Saturday, May 11. Meet at the Town House at 9 AM.

Town Clerk and Deputy Have Resigned

From the Select Board:

Please be aware that Tammy Daley has resigned as town clerk, and John Daley has resigned as deputy town clerk. We are actively working to fill these positions as soon as possible, a stumbling block being the requirement of being State certified to perform some of the duties. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work to resolve this situation.

Nature & Recreation Guide to Orange

You’ll find it here, and it’s worth reading for anyone who loves our Town and its natural assets. Don’t be fooled by the title, “Natural Resources Inventory.” The Conservation Commission decided to expand the old version to include as much information about Orange nature as possible.

The report includes Sandi Pierson’s recreation guide to trails, mines, and other features. She also assembled a set of narratives offering insight into the history and current secrets of Orange.

If you want to print a copy on your home computer, you can download a version with single pages here.

New Town Clerk, New Hours

From Sophie Seace:

Residents of Orange, 

I would like to take a moment to thank you all for your support and appreciation while serving as the Town Clerk over these past several years, it was my pleasure getting to know all of you.

Please join me in congratulating Tammy Daley as Town Clerk, she is going to continue to provide great service to Orange.  As we transition the work load and Tammy is trained on all the many programs and requirements that relate to the Town Clerk position I ask that you have patience with us if the wait time is more than normal, there is much to learn and become familiar with.

Please take note of the following reminders/update to hours;

COMMUNICATION: email is best


603-523-4467 – Office phone with answering machine

NEW TOWN CLERK HOURS: Starting April 3rd

Wednesday evenings 4:30-6:30

1stSaturday of the month 9:00-11:00 


Kind Regards, 

Select board will meet the morning of voting day

Sandi reports that to accommodate voting hours, the Board’s March 12 meeting will take place at 10 a.m. instead of its usual 6 p.m. time. That’s next Tuesday. Don’t forget to vote! Also, the Board will meet 5 p.m. Friday, March 8, to interview a candidate for the appointed position of auditor and to conduct any other business that comes before it.

These changes are reflected in the Town calendar.

The Selectboard takes a snow day

Sandi reports that tomorrow’s big snow will push back the Selectboard’s meeting by a day. The new time: 6:15 PM Wednesday, February 13. The meeting will be followed at 7 PM by public hearings on the budget and bond issue.

Have you tried registering your car on Orangenh?

I just went on the Orange site and re-registered our car and truck, using our current registration for details. Took me all of three minutes for both vehicles, including payment. Thanks, Sophie Seace, for making this work. Go to the Forms page on Orangenh.US, and you can also get your dog licensed, download an intent to cut form, and do lots of other business with the Town.

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