It’s cleaner, easier to use, and shows just how beautiful this Town is.
Actually, lots of faces. In preparation for the celebration of Orange’s 250th birthday, I revamped the site to make it simpler and more accessible, while highlighting images of our beautiful Town and its people. Thanks to all those who contributed photos to the Conservation Commission’s photo contest (winners have yet to be chosen!). I used a number of them. Please let me know of any misidentified (or unidentified) photographers.
Meanwhile, you can continue to get your dog’s license, register your vehicle, and download forms directly from the site, thanks to the hard work by Sophie Seace and Sandi Pierson.
You should continue to get the news from this site, this time delivered through MailChimp. Let me know if you have problems with the emails. If you know someone who isn’t getting the news and would like to receive emails, just have them fill out this form.
As for the site itself, it doesn’t accept advertising or use any taxpayer money. Dorothy and I produce it and pay for it in gratitude for all those who do so much for our Town. Let me know what you think of the site; I’m open to suggestions.