Help Get a Grant for the Town House Roof

Doug and Trish Weekes have been working diligently on grants to be used to restore our historic Town House’s roof. They are applying for a Moose Plate grant, a competitive process that includes getting a letter of support from as many residents as possible.

If you see someone at the Town House, please consider stopping in to sign the letter of support which is posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.

You may also send a letter of support by snail mail (P.O. Box 37, Canaan) or email ( Your letter of support should read something like this:

The Orange Town House is critical to our small, rural community and we want to be sure it is restored so it can continue to be the seat of government and place for meetings and community gatherings. As residents of Orange, NH, we strongly support our town’s pursuit of Moose Plate Grant funding for help in restoring our historic Town House’s roof.