Ad hoc broadband committee will meet tomorrow and Monday at 6:30pm

The broadband news is starting to heat up, with several possibilities for greatly increased access—and speed—promised over the next couple years. Donald McFarlane, who serves on the ad hoc committee with fellow Orange tech wizards, is setting up two sessions on Google Meet to consider the Town’s options.

Note that there are separate links to each meeting.

The following phone number will be monitored throughout the meeting by someone who can assist with and alert the committee to any technical issues - (917)334-9088


1. review information received to date to inform a status report for town meeting

2. open discussion

3. survey the sense of the committee regarding specific options and recommendations

Saturday's session:

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 617-675-4444‬

PIN: ‪436 040 205 2315#‬

More phone numbers

Monday's session:

Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 617-675-4444‬

PIN: ‪802 068 302 3513#‬

More phone numbers