Want to Be Contacted for Eventual Broadband?

Alasdair Dunlap-Smith, who serves on Orange’s ad hoc broadband committee, sent a couple links to the New Hampshire Electric Co-op’s site. This one lets you sign up to be contacted when NHEC starts offering broadband to our town.

According to the NHEC site, the current prices in the co-op’s pilot project area are $89.95 for one gigabyte per section, upload and download speeds; and $49.95 for 25 megabytes per second, upload and download. (Those prices are monthly, presumably.)

The slower, cheaper plan’s download speed is comparable to the speed I’m getting with DSL on Cardigan Mountain Road. NHEC’s upload speed would be much faster. Ours is just 1 mbps with DSL, 25 times slower.
