Town Office Open for the 2021 Election

Sandi sent us this list of open offices and their terms. The filing period starts tomorrow, January 20, and continues through 5pm Friday, January 29. Candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy with the Town Clerk, Michelle Goffreda, to get their names on the ballot. She holds regular office hours on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30. In addition, she’ll be at the Town House on Friday, January 29, from 3 to 5.

Voting takes place on March 9, with Town Meeting the next day. As always, you can find dates on the calendar.

Select Board 3 years

Town Clerk 1 year

Treasurer 1 year

Tax Collector 1 year

Deeding Agent 1 year

Road Agent 1 year

Budget Committee 3 year

Cemetery Trustee 3 years

Trustees of the Trust Funds 3 years

TWO Planning Board Members 3 years each term