The Warrant Articles Passed Unanimously

All, that is, except for Article 1, which got a single no vote. Sixty-three Orangeites voted—a remarkably large turnout. All 63 voted yes on Article 2, and the vote on Article 3 was unanimous as well. That means the Town can now pay to fix our roads from last July’s flood.

Below are the articles, which also served as the ballot. Click here for Scott Sanborn’s list of road repairs.

 i.     The first question will be “Do you approve of the optional special town meeting procedures?  YES or NO


                                             ii.     The second question will be Article 1 from the Warrant:  “To see if the town will vote (1) to raise and appropriate $1,187,000 for the purpose of restoring, repairing, and improving roads which suffered significant damages during the flash flood of July 2019, (2) to authorize the issuance of not more than $1,187,000 of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize town officials to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon, and (3) to authorize town officials to apply for, accept and expend FEMA grant monies of up to $890,250 in partial reimbursement of the Town’s aforesaid road restoration, repair and improvement expenses.
2/3 ballot vote required.  Recommended by the Select Board 3-0.  Recommended by the Budget Committee 3-0.


                                           iii.     The third question will be Article 2 from the Warrant:  “To see if the town will vote to appoint the Board of Selectmen under RSA 35:15, I as agents to withdraw and spend funds from the Road Improvement and Repair Capital Reserve Fund, only to carry out the purpose for which the fund was established.  Said fund was established at the 2020 town meeting for the purpose of improving roads and making repairs to damages caused by catastrophic weather events.
Majority vote required. Recommended by the Select Board 3-0.  Recommended by the Budget Committee 3-0.