Remote Access to Friday's Budget Committee and Select Board Hearings

Here’s the short version: You can attend each meeting by Zoom, simply by clicking on the link for each meeting.

Budget Committee, 6:00pm April 24

Select Board, 6:30pm April 24

If you don’t have a computer or smartphone, dial in to one of these numbers: (929) 436-2866, (253) 215-8782, or (301)  715-8592. You’ll be prompted to enter the ID for the Budget Committee meeting: 950 2212 8039. For the Select Board meeting, the ID is 950 8978 9843.

NOTE: If you’re a member of the Budget Committee or Select Board, you have already received an invitation with a separate link to the practice session on Wednesday.

Here are the details for the Friday meetings:

This Friday, at 6:00 and 6:30pm, the Orange Budget Committee and Selectboard will hold back to back public hearings to discuss a proposal to appropriate $1,187,000 for repairing the roads following the July 2019 flood. The funds are to be raised through serial bonds or other notes. The proposal also names the Select Board as agents to spend funds from the Road Improvement and Capital Reserve Fund.

To comply with state orders banning gatherings of more than ten people, the meetings will be held remotely. You’ll be able to attend by internet-connect computer or smartphone, or by a regular dialup telephone.

Note that each meeting will have a separate link. Once the Budget Committee meeting ends, you will be required to click on the Select Board link. If you’re dialing in, you’ll need to hang up and dial in again.

If you have a computer connected to the internet, click on the Budget Committee link at the time of the meeting (6pm Friday). Follow the instructions; you’ll be asked whether you want to open Zoom (say yes), and whether you want to use your computer’s microphone (again, say yes unless you’re using a separate mic). If you wish to attend the Select Board meeting at 6:30 Friday, you’ll need to click on the Select Board link

If you plan to use a smartphone, you might want to download the Zoom app.  Otherwise you can use your phone’s browser the same way you would access websites on a computer. Keep in mind that the Chrome and Firefox browsers work best; if you’re using an iPhone with Safari, you might have some technical problems. When the meeting is about to begin, click on the Budget Committee link. After that ends, you may click on the Select Board link at 6:30.

If you plan to call in, use one of these numbers at 6:00pm Friday: (929) 436-2866, (253) 215-8782, or (301)  715-8592. You’ll be prompted to enter the ID for the Budget Committee meeting: 950 2212 8039. For the Select Board meeting, you can dial one of the same numbers. Then, when prompted, punch in the ID is 950 8978 9843.

Budget Committee meeting ID: 950 2212 8039

Select Board meeting ID: 950-8978-9843

Confused? Learn about Zoom here. And feel free to email me at
