Friday Road report

Dorothy Heinrichs writes:

Dennis Ford, DOT District II Maintenance Supervisor, reports that as of last night all the culverts on Cardigan Mountain Road that were damaged or destroyed have been replaced. Today and Monday the crew will continue working on the north side of the road at the big new culvert between Tuttle Hill and Town House Roads. If the road is closed during these final stages, it should be for relatively short periods .  Sections of washed-out road that have been repaired will be topped off with a layer of asphalt.

 In September (currently planned for the 9th or 10th), the remaining sections of the badly damaged Cardigan Mountain Road will be “reclaimed” between Town House Road and the new bridge. This will require the road to be closed from 8am to 4pm on both days. The old asphalt and the base of the road beneath it will be reground and replaced. The following week, two layers of asphalt will be laid down. The road will remain open as a one-lane road for that section on those days.

 We’ve all been wondering how the Town’s road repairs will be paid for. Yesterday, Governor Sununu signed a letter to the President requesting a major disaster declaration for Grafton County. If the President signs the declaration, Towns in Grafton County and specifically Orange will be eligible for FEMA funding to  help the State and Town defray the costs.

Dorothy Heinrichs

Chair, Orange Selectboard