Road Agent's Progress Report

From Scott Sanborn:

Here's where we are at...

New Colony and Tug Mountain Roads have both been made passable to their
ends. Much is still one lane so please drive slowly and cautiously, but
we have tried to make a couple wider spots along the way for vehicles to
pass so nobody will have to back up the entire roadway!

Crews moved to Williams Road yesterday. We are starting by smoothing out the
upper part and improving the access to the field so that all vehicles,
not just 4WD will be able to reach Tuttle Hill Road (via the field).
Once that is accomplished we will start working to make the lower part
of the road which was completely washed out passable again.

Town House Road is still impassable to the end, however this only serves
a single part time residence whose owners are not presently in town so
it is a little lower on the priority list, but we will be getting there

We are fully aware of the extensive shoulder damage and 1 to 1½ lane
stretches in other areas, but our first order of business is to restore
at least some level of access onto the roads that were completely washed
out. We will continue to perform "triage" over the coming days and
prioritize where to apply our resources. Much of the high priority will
be devoted to addressing the areas most susceptible to further damage in
the event of even a run-of-the-mill summer downpour. We still have a
ways to go before beginning permanent repair/reconstruction.

I have been told that NHDOT will soon be hauling along the Burnt Hill
Road/River Road route that those of us on the east side of the canyon
are using to access civilization ... PLEASE USE EXTREME CAUTION ...
there are several stretches where a heavy truck and light vehicle cannot
pass. Drive slowly, be prepared to stop, pull over and/or back up as
necessary. We are all aware it is not good scenario and hopefully it
will be of short duration but it is unavoidable.

For those with damages to private property, as has been pointed out in
an earlier email from the selectmen, your best course of action is to
dial 2-1-1 which puts you in touch with the NH Department of Health and
Human Services, and they will assist you with any options that may be
available for you to receive assistance. We have been attempting to
insure that all driveway entrances onto the public roads are passable as
we have been working and will continue to do so, but the Town of Orange
cannot, of course, apply our resources to individuals' damages outside
the right-of-way (and in some cases, even within the right-of-way).

We are still assessing damages, but it looks like we are heading into at
least the half-million dollar range, very possibly more.

Finally, yet another huge thank to all who have been offering their
assistance, and being patient as we begin to rebuild!

Scott Sanborn, Road Agent